This domain name comes from the phonetic spelling of the word 'cantrip'. Here's what the Oxford English Dictionary has to say about it:
Definition | A spell or charm of necromancy or witchcraft; a witch's trick or mischievous
device. Also jocosely, any playfully mischievous trick; any whimsically mad,
eccentric, or extravagant piece of conduct; in phr. to play one a cantrip.
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Etymology | (kæntrp) Also -raip, -rap. A mod.Sc. word, of unknown origin: the orig. phrase appears to have been 'to cast cantrips', like to cast figures, horoscopes, nativities, lots, spells: perh. a perversion of some term of astrology. (Jamieson suggested cant to turn over + raip rope; Mahn Icel. gan frenzy, frantic gestures (which he renders 'witchcraft') + trappa a step.) |
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